Thursday, June 18, 2009

Nothing In Particular

It is yet another boring mundane day at work. I walked my way to office, made all my ‘social responsibility’ phone calls (but I loved making them today for some reason, now you certainly know how desperate it gets), escaped a couple of head on accidents (feels me again!) and am supposed to be here making my sweet, composed, polite, and customer delighting calls and churning one draft copy after another, incorporating the never ending changes, which will most certainly change COB (can I just wait until it is time to pack up and see a flood of changes coming in on my emails and then begin working?)……the list of stupid, not important, don’t know why the hell am I doing this tasks is endless……and yet I come here on every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday……day after day after day and do the same things over and over and over again……Sisyphean Challenge (sans the romance of cheating death) and will also justify this nonsense when it comes to my yearly appraisals where they will give me a sal hike that will possibly cover my 2nd class local train fare from maybe Andheri to Kandivli ( am I being ambitious?) or if they see that I am being superb at this no sense task and have charmed the idiots to death, then they might actually consider giving me a decent taxi fare from office to Bandra (now it was Dickens who wrote Great Expectations, didn't he?)….phew do I sound frustrated? That I am. So much so that I am considering walking over to the ghat two desks away and asking her if we can sip coffee while I listen to her ‘how good it is coming early because morning morning all tasks get done so fast n fast gibberish’ or maybe I should just scare the wits out of the ops guyz n gals (and yes please read guyz n gals we don’t associate with the pre historic girls and boys) who intelligently discuss only about K series, BF/GFs, break ups and make up……beat this, I actually know many a love stories (and am itching to give them some expert advice) without even knowing the names of our hot chicks and cool dudes…….or whatever they choose to fantasize calling themselves as.
OK now the million dollar question why am I feeling this way? Normal boredom for one (yes yes for a change normal stuff also happens to me). My best friend is away and has not talked to me for the past 2 days (sulk sulk sigh……distance makes the heart grow fonder is not working this time around :-(..... ), my partner in crime in office (o how I miss you already dear) has gone on her enviable mandatory leave, and my confidante and guide is on a business trip (when is this freaking 2 week trip gonna be over anyway?), my office soul mate (well yes you can have a home soul mate, a dance class soul mate, an ex-office soul mate…..) does not work from the same office as me and her shift does not begin for another full 30 min (OK come soon girl I might cross the edge waiting to call you) and now the billion dollar answer am I back to basics with the S’nin effect being trimmed down or anxious about being off it tomorrow? No, I promised I am going to manage this by myself and that I will.
Well now I have said what I have to and yes it is all said. No shades of grey, no dark undercurrents, no lovelorn bleeding heart poesis ….just like its title says it all, a no nonsense nothing in particular post. Do I hear the phone ringing already? Time for tone change, shift change to sweet (no trace of frustration), polished, “Good morning this is Monica, may I know who is calling please”. I pledge my life to all the Sylphi-es, Kiyori-es, Russell-s, Tom-s and Hari-s of the nonsense world. Come lets make each other feel like the most important people on planet earth.


  1. First time on your blog! Cute!! Your writing clearly express the thoughts!!

  2. Am glad you like my expression Swatantra....but you seem to have read a post which is truly frustrating in tone.....nevertheless thanks for visiting and posting a 'cute' comment on my blog....hope to keep getting your feedback on other posts too....and yes hap happy birthday to lil Rohan!!!!!

  3. Seriously.. Somedays in office are so frustating, that you seem to do anything that can cheer you up!! This specially happens to me when I finish my work quite early and have no work do to.. Nicely expressed.. Somewhere, your's and mine thoughts do cross each other.. Keep writing..

  4. hey altaf thanks for reading my posts regularly n writing back....makes me feel good really....and am glad you relate to what i have said.
