Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Répondez s'il vous plaît

My brohter works with a bank that claims to be a global giant, never mind the fact that the giant currently has succumbed to the bear. Fortunately or unfortunately as a part of his job profile he needs to liaise constantly with a team he chooses to call MMSG (read mean, moron, senseless, good for nothings). Sure enough the christening says it all and spares me the trouble to explain the relationship my bro’s team and the MMSG team share! While I completely empathize with my brother, knowing the soft-spoken and considerate guy he is, for all ‘locking horns’ situations that take place on each business day as a rule between the two teams, however, I thoroughly enjoy each incident he relates and am seriously wondering if I should script these and challenge the saas-bhau sagas and give them a run for their money?

The latest incident he related, and this he had to tell us for it was a proud moment that proved the morons were a set of dumb heads happened on the weekend. The company COO had invited the much neglected project management team for an evening of dinner and drinks to prove to them that they were not totally worthless or rather just worth a single dinner and drink in a year, considering corporates have such wine and dine ceremonies at the drop of a hat. The COO’s email invite closed on a ‘no RSVP entertained’ note which created sheer panic among the MMSG-ians. There was nothing less than a round table conference to discuss what the heck the COO meant by RSVP. The discussion on RSVP was so active, loud and serious that JAMs and GDs at prime business institutes could take a hike. The mean guy in the team who wanted to show that he knows it all did a quick google search to inform his comrades that RSVP was the note on wedding invites. The blonde moron on the team could not contain her surprise when she realized she was the one who could decipher the meaning of RSVP – Reserved Seat for Vice Presidents. How could the senseless beauty keep quiet, so quick she dialed a colleague’s extension and cursed him for not being on his seat when needed! After all efforts were in vain the bunch of good for nothings discussed and toiled over phone calls and search engines only to give up finally concluding that RSVP was all about VPs or above and coded to ensure the mere mortals do not understand. They crossed their fingers hoping most ardently that they wouldn’t be dismissed from the party because they could not entertain RSVP! Finally since no one had responded to the email, they decided it was best to follow suit and wait and watch.

My brother who was not attending the dinner party had already responded to the COO’s assistant expressing his apologies and excusing himself due to pre-booked travel tickets and an itinerary that could not be changed. When the COO walked by his desk and wanted to request him to join (only out of sheer formality), my brother responded to his “I told you no RSVP entertained”, which a malicious smile and nod saying I can’t help it and thoroughly enjoyed the quizzical, comical, and ready to pounce glares from his most beloved MMSG-ians!!!!



  1. I can guess the identities of Mr. Wise Guy, Ms. Dumb Blonde and Ms. Senseless Beauty.
    Well written. You should document every transaction. Undoubtedly every transaction will be filled with humour. ;-) If you have a 2 dozen instances, you could publish a book.
    - Most probably nobody would believe that these are true instances. But truth is stranger than fiction!

  2. Very entertaining. Sounds very like some people I know...;)
    Keep 'em coming. :D

  3. Good one Monica. Hope the MMSG's in your brother's team will take a lesson from this episode to shed the belief that "We know everything"

  4. Shasi, Glynis n Pratima...
    Thanks for reading and for your generous this is our 'all the world knows it is a secret' secret...will keep you updated on 'such' happenings :-)

  5. Maybe they are Swedes and they understand O.S.A. or SVAR...

    But you don't forget to see the picture at

    p.s: keep writing.

  6. A great departure from the mundane foolish incidents! Ya probably a book wud be gr8!

  7. Hmmm Abhidyuti I must truly strat thinking about writing the book...thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

  8. Hey Mon,

    Great writing, as usual. I can visualize the incident and the MMSG people doing all those Google searches. Keep writing!!!

    - Altaf

  9. taken your advise Altaf...just posted a new one...thnaks for taking the time to read and comment!
