Saturday, August 15, 2009


You came last night,
And took away all we shared,
No words exchanged, just the deafening silence,
Said it all between us.

I looked all over and around, of some tell tale signs,
Of our togetherness,
But everything seemed to blur, fade, and disappear.

My tear filled eyes pleaded for a new beginning,
The relief on your face reflected the end that had already begun.

And we parted the cliched ways,
You walked your way,
I stood rooted and lost,
Because I never had known a way of my own,
And you took away your way...



  1. Gets better. Mon, the first 2 stanzas are stronger, and the last is interesting too. I don't want to sound typically 'Eng Lit', but I feel it gets sharper if you bank on the depth of the scar rather than the immediate gash it makes (like the third stanza & a bit of fourth).

  2. Hey D firstly, thanks for reading and writing back. I am glad you have given me points to ponder rather than only well written or cud get better. I see the point you are making and yes I need to learn to say things subtly and in a more mature manner....maybe Banana Yoshimoto's books could help adapting that'll know when you read Goodbye Tsugumi.

    Thanks again for reading and commenting. Will look fwd to your comments onn y future posts too!

  3. My heart still remains empty
    Life stuck where it is
    Hope you find your way back
    Back to where we were....

    [Hope it completes the poem :)]

  4. Which self appointed KilBill Shakespeare decides to critique your work each time.... let's see his/her/its works so far...

  5. @George - It sure does!!!!! So the poet comes back with a bang even if just to complete another's work :-) Thanks for reading.

  6. Thanks Arvid for that encouraging comment....but lets just take it in the right spirit and encourage self-appointed critiques too! Always a space to learn.
