Monday, July 30, 2007


I lie on the bed of thoughts,
I think, think, think.
The soft pillow deadens darkness,
In wilderness I blink.

A glass breaks, it shatters peace,
The pain seeps deep, deep, deep.
I drink from the bleeding edges,
An echo of insanity weeps.



  1. Well put.All the grief covered so succinctly...
    Reminds me of Johnny Cash
    "I hurt myself today,to see if i still feel"
    Hope to read something joyous in near future.

  2. Hey Makrand,
    Thank you for your comments and for taking the time to read. I am glad I was able to convey the sentiment...well joyous...I don't really promise on that, I'll try.

  3. that was really good awell described pain!

  4. Thanks Madhu and thanks Kooks...your comments encourage me to keep writing...truly appreciate your time n effort.
